25 of the most toxic relationships on TV

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Pretty Little Liars. Image via Freeform

Aria and Ezra

Before I address all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this pairing, first you have to talk about the statutory rape in the room. In the Pretty Little Liars mythology, Aria was only 16 when she and Ezra started their relationship, and he was her teacher. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s super gross, in every way.

Although Ezra gets all indignant about her lying about her age, it turns out he knew all along, and orchestrated their meeting so he could pump her for info for his new book. So, not only did this grown man hook up with a 16 year old child, he did it on purpose to use her. Blech.

Aria doesn’t seem to mind getting lied to, used, and manipulated. Even after she learns his secret she continues to date him. She even breaks up with the age-appropriate Jake, telling Ezra that he’s “the one.” Sigh.

I guess we should count our blessings that Ezra didn’t turn out to be A, even though there are a lot of clues to indicate otherwise. Aria needs a good dose of reality, when it comes to this lecherous guy, and if her parents aren’t willing to do the dirty work, then her friends should step in.