25 of the most toxic relationships on TV

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Photo: YouTube/The WB

Lorelai and Christopher

These two together. Lorelai spent so much time and energy trying to get away from her upper class upbringing, it never really made sense that she would go backwards into a relationship with Christopher that sucked her right back into it. Even her parents approved, for heaven’s sake. This should have been a major red flag.

Christopher may have been Rory’s father, but he was never a great match for Lorelai. Every time she went back to Chris, it was merely a reaction to something bad that happened -usually breaking up with Luke. She might have loved Chris in some way, but Lorelai was far too self-absorbed to understand her own patterns.

Every time Luke broke up with her, she ran to Chris to make it all better, and he too emotionally immature to see that she was using him. He was a total man-boy, and would have made Lorelai terribly unhappy in the long run. I guess all those years he was completely absent from Rory’s life wasn’t a strong enough signal that he would make an unreliable partner and mate. She dove right into an impetuous relationship, and then an even more ill-fated marriage, all as a reaction to some mean stuff Luke said.

On second thought, maybe Lorelai and Christopher were meant for each other. They’re both narcissists with very little regard for the bigger picture.