25 reasons we want Daenerys Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne

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2. She commands like a leader should

Some people absolutely thrive when talking to people. It’s their bread and butter. They always seem to garner attention wherever they go. It’s a wonderful feeling and a pretty handy skill to possess. It’s something that Daenerys has been able to hone brilliantly during her time at the top.

Dany has people willing to risk their life for her, because she’s made her goals clear: No slaves allowed in a world full of peace and prosperity. Like the Tyrells, she looks out for the little guy, and thankfully her sentiments aren’t just resting on the surface. Being a strong leader means knowing when to raise and lower one’s voice. And sometimes the point gets across if you yell. Just ask Dany when she sat astride Drogon, belting out her plans for the future to her newly gained khalasar. It was very reminiscent of the time Khal Drogo prepared his troops to travel across the Narrow Sea to get his queen everything she wanted. And now, that same command transferred beautifully over to the queen herself.

But Dany is also a humble woman. She’s not afraid to put her foot down if need be, which is why it was so heartbreaking to see her have to send Jorah Marmont into exile. But just as a good leader should, she orders him to find a cure for his Greyscale after he (re)proved his loyalty to her. Dany knows the kind of company she needs to keep in order to keep her power, even if there were times she stumbled along the way.