25 reasons we want Daenerys Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne

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22. She’s a female role model

Here’s the perfect time to play the female card. Dany is the kind of woman other women can root for. We like her style, we like what she’s selling, and it can be hugely inspiring for self-starters to get up and find their own Iron Throne. This female power can sometimes get lost in a place like Westeros, though with a leader like Dany in place, things are certain to change quickly.

Dany is set to rule as the sole leader. She’s showing that a Queen doesn’t necessarily need a king in order to rule. It’s a nice feeling to be able to call yourself ‘self-sufficient,’ becoming a one-man wrecking crew set to take on any challenge that may befall you. Dany is a perfect sort of role model to look up to. She’s a very powerful woman who has risen in the ranks to become one of the most respected leaders in the Known World. While the Thrones universe does have some elements of sleazy political dealings, Dany never obtained her power this way. She got by on her brains, her pragmatism, and strong will. These are qualities the show highlights time and time again, and continue to sharpen as we hear more of her story.

Dany is a goal-oriented woman. Ladies in this day and age are reminded to focus on what’s important to them, and not necessarily do what we think men want us to do. We follow Dany’s story so closely because it’s a perfect example of how determination and perseverance can pay off, even if we stumble and fall along the way. Get it, girl.