Spring Breakin:’ The Best TV Episodes To Prime You For Warmer Weather

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“The Bahamas Triangle” – Ugly Betty

The best thing about Ugly Betty was how heavy it was on the dramatic irony. While the title may have alluded to the title character’s looks, it was really an indictment of how ridiculous American beauty standards had become.

This episode was no different. As usual, Betty has the great idea, that mostly gets undervalued, and the rest of the cast continue to spin about in their vapid, shallow existence. Betty and the staff at Mode magazine take a working vacation where lots of illicit hookups and underhanded affairs happen. Because ugly Betty.

But even better than all that sex and intrigue is seeing Betty be awesome in a sunnier environment with a healty dose of sunscreen. The rest of the characters in this show (save Betty’s family) are completely insufferable, and if anybody deserves to slay at their job in a tropical location, it’s Betty Suarez.

While everyone else is occupied with whose sleeping with whom, Betty is taking care of business, as usual. She’s so badass that she can be the best no matter where she is, but isn’t it always better if you can conduct business with your booty in the sand and a drink in your hand?