15 superhero boyfriends we wish were real life men

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8. Tony Stark

With Tony Stark, we can see in Captain America: Civil War that he’s still having issues with Pepper Potts. But that doesn’t change the fact that he loves her and has always loved her. He’s not the best boyfriend, not in the slightest, but he does love with his whole being and that is something special we’re not used to seeing in comic book characters.

With heroes, they tend to love the people and their cities more than anything else but Tony seemingly loves Pepper above all that. Sort of. He does choose being a hero over her more times than none but it is the thought that counts when it comes to superheroes and their significant others.

And honestly, who doesn’t love Tony? He’s funny, witty, and he is extremely attractive. Yes he has his bad qualities (and a lot of them) but still, we love him anyway. Even if you should have definitely been Team Cap when you went to see Civil War.

So Tony Stark is definitely on our list of superhero boyfriends we love to love. Even if he still needs a bit of work in the love department, we love him anyway and we’ll continue to do so.