The Entire Outlander Book Series: Ranked

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Photo Courtesy of Book Publisher: Penguin Random House

2. Dragonfly in Amber

What I loved:

Dragonfly in Amber starts off as huge reveal. It’s been 20 years since the first book and Claire is back in Scotland with her daughter, Brianna. Talk about an unexpected turn of events. The storytelling in this book is a huge departure from the first book that it makes you feel like you are reading brand-new series. When we get back to where we left off in Outlander, and it doesn’t disappoint. The once Scottish outlaws are now in Paris, France wining and dining with royalty. The end game is still to avoid the Battle of Culloden through any means necessary. This means espionage that you could ever want. The silver lining of this book is when Claire and Jamie get back to Scotland. The peace and harmony they have in Lallybroch are some the best passages in the series. I still reread them to this day.

What I didn’t like:

I really didn’t understand why Jamie would go along with Claire’s deal to help Randell’s brother. He most likely fed them useless intelligence because he cannot be trusted. I felt like after everything Black Jack put Jamie through at Wentworth Prison,  she asked too much of Jamie not to kill him.