The Entire Outlander Book Series: Ranked

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Photo Courtesy of Book Publisher: Penguin Random House

7. Drums of Autumn

What I loved:

Our trouble-prone Fraser’s are finally on dry land, in a new country and have seemingly left their Scotland problems behind. They are in getting settled in North Carolina and for the most part, don’t have to flee the area whenever they see a red coat. This book is also introduced us to the pairing of Brianna and Roger. I enjoyed watching the relationship build between them when they were in their original timeline. Pretty much after the handfasting ceremony, I began to dislike Brianna and feeling sorry for Roger.

What I didn’t like:

At some point, you have to start considering the entire family might be cursed. It’s almost like a witch named Geillis is haunting them. One of my major complaints about this book is the lack of Claire and Jamie. After being apart for 20 years and most recently a boat voyage from hell, I thought there would be time for reconnection. I get it. In order to establish Brianna and Roger’s relationship, pages in the book had to be shared. I just hate that it was at the expense of Claire and Jamie’s storyline.

I would have also preferred to hear more about what Claire was up to those 20 years apart from Jamie. In Voyager, we got to hear all the things Jamie had been up to during those years but very little if any was said about her life. Claire had a life during those 20 years. And I for one, would like to know more of it.