Seth Meyers Takes On Trump’s Budget Cuts


Every night it seems like we have more information on idiotic things that Donald Trump has done and Seth Meyers recapped his bad week.

It’s no surprise that Seth Meyers seemingly hates Donald Trump. If not for his daily “A Closer Look” taking on the president, it is definitely clear in the way he talks about Trump at any given moment. So this week, his “A Closer Look” was a little more vicious than normal. And it was glorious.

For those who haven’t seen an episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, you may not know what this segment is. Basically he just pin-points something he wants to talk about and goes in-depth with it for about six minutes.

This week, he just talked about Trump’s entire week and took down his latest upset with his budget cuts. If you’ve been living under a rock, you might not know that Trump decided to cut the National Endowment for the Arts, almost all the funding for climate change research and then, the topper of the cake, Meals on Wheels.

The best part of the entire video is the end with Seth starts to take down Trump. He complains about him, insults him, and generally makes a fool of the president. Because really, he is a fool in regards to the budget cuts that he is planning on implementing.

But are any of us surprised? This is exactly what we thought he would do, only now some of his supporters are getting angry with him and his policies.

Related Story: Seth Meyers vs Stephen Colbert: The Health Care Fiasco

Seth is one every night of the week and watch him as much as you can. He’s doing a great job with everything Trump and we should all listen to him.