15 times Bellamy and Clarke made us feel everything

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9. I can’t lose you, too. (2.09)

"“What we need is an inside man, someone to be our eyes and ears.” “Forget about it. It’s too dangerous.” “Clarke, if you can make it out, I can make it in.” “I said no.” “Since I don’t take orders from you, I’m going to need a better reason.” “I can’t lose you, too. Okay?”"

Holy emotional overload. When Clarke mercifully killed Finn in the previous episode, giving him a tearful goodbye and a simple stab to the heart rather than the torture that the Grounders had planned for him, it was heartwrenching to watch. Between Clarke’s tears, Raven’s guttural cries and sobs, Raven’s attack on Clarke, and Clarke’s breakdown later as she tries to wash the blood from her hands – it’s a whole lot to process.

So when they’re walking to TonDC with the Grounders, still looking to solidify a truce while mourning the loss of Finn, Clarke isn’t quite ready to contemplate the idea of losing Bellamy, too. When he suggests breaking into Mount Weather to be an inside man as part of a rescue operation for their friends being held inside, Clarke doesn’t even entertain the idea, snapping at him.

Because he’s too important to her. She just lost Finn mere hours before, a boy she loved, despite everything he’d done wrong. And Bellamy? Bellamy matters to her too. He’s her co-leader, her partner, and one of her best friends. He’s important to her, and she can’t risk him. Not now.