15 times Bellamy and Clarke made us feel everything

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6. Pulling The Lever Together (2.16)

"“My sister, my responsibility.” “I have to save them.” “Together.”"

Mount Weather and its inhabitants stringing up sky people and Grounders to drain them of their blood was bad – and when they started drilling into them for bone marrow, realizing that was even more effective for them, it was that much worse. It was involuntarily, torturous, and for some, deadly – RIP, Fox.

With Bellamy as an inside man, Clarke and the sky people allied with Lexa and the Grounders on the outside, looking to take down Mount Weather and free their people once and for all – until Lexa, at the last minute, makes an alliance with Mount Weather to free her people. Only her people.

Clarke and the remaining sky people are left scrambling, and what seemed like a winnable battle moments before feels hopeless, again.

Her and Octavia run through the tunnels and are let inside by Bellamy, Jasper, and Maya, who take them to where the action is happening  – Sky people inside are now trapped, and the Mount Weather inhabitants end up trapped on a level together once ventilation systems are used against them and allow toxic air inside. It’s a nail biter down to the last few minutes, and Clarke, Bellamy and Monty struggle to find a way to save their people without killing all of Mount Weather’s people – some of them children, innocent of the atrocities that the leaders had committed – but there’s no way, and time is up.

Clarke, heavily and brokenly, realizes what she needs to do – and Bellamy won’t let her do it alone.  He won’t let her pull the lever and make the toughest decision – the decision to wipe out hundreds of people, children included, most of them innocent – alone.

They’re saving their people at a heavy price. Together.