15 TV crossover couples you didn’t realize you need

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Supergirl — “Crossfire” — Image SPG205a_0248 — Pictured: Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott – Photo: Robert Falconer /The CW — © 2016 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved POWERLESS — Season: 1 — Pictured: Vanessa Hudgens as Emily — (Photo by: Paul Drinkwater/NBC)

2. Winn Schott (Supergirl) and Emily Locke (Powerless)

Winn has been pining for Kara since day one, with all the subtlety of an alien ship crashing to Earth. Though the feeling isn’t mutual, the two keep a strong friendship. But Winn is still a party of one. First he tried dating Siobhan, who turned into Silver Banshee – becoming a super villain tends to put a damper on a relationship. Now he’s found Lyra, a girl from Starhaven with little else known about her. But there’s someone out there who makes perfect sense, and you’ll find her in Charm City: Emily Locke.

Emily has had similar misfortunes in her dating life, most recently falling for one of The Riddler’s henchmen – even being in league with a super villain tends to be a turnoff. Though she has had less direct contact with superheroes – being from a “flyover” state – Emily still understands Winn’s struggles in protecting citizens. As Director of Research & Development at Wayne Security, she has similar responsibilities and can clearly keep up with his genius. With her gadget ideas, and his tech implementation, the pair could probably save the world without the help of any supers. They’re just innocent enough to be adorable, but fierce and sassy enough to get work done.