Thor: Ragnarok Pictures and Plot Have Been Unveiled and We Are Scratching Our Heads


Marvel just reviled pictures for Thor: Ragnarok and storyline for the movie. We can’t help it, but the images leave fans screaming.

Marvel has been tight-lipped about what’s going to happen in Thor: Ragnarok, but this weekend they released pictures and the plot of the movie. To say the least many fans are left scratching their heads when the images first appeared. Is it Thor’s haircut or the lack of Mjölnir in his hands that has fans eyes twitching? We last saw Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron trying to make sense of the visions. He ends up going home to Asgard to figure out what exactly is going on in his absences. As we know from Thor: Dark World his adopted brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has impersonated Odin (Anthony Hopkins) this entire time. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that while Loki has lived the good life, he failed to notice Hela (Cate Blanchett) is no long imprisoned. When Thor confronts her, she sends him to the planet Sakaar. It’s there Thor meets the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum).

Take a look at the Thor: Ragnarok pictures below.

During the interview with EW, Chis Hemsworth explains the reason Thor’s hair cut is because when he gets blasted to Sakaar, he must become a gladiator. He also losses Mjölnir in the process. Ugh! The swords, guyliner and short hair are just not doing it for me, but there’s a silver lining to all this. It goes by the name Hela and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson).

Cate Blanchett looks amazing Thor: Ragnar. It’s an edgy look I don’t remember ever seeing from her. It instantly get’s you excited about the movie and her kick butt character, Hela. I have to admit I thought the picture Cate was actually of Outlander actress Catriona Balf.

Tessa Thompson is playing the hard as nails Valkyrie. She works for the Grandmaster on the planet Sakaar and is tasked with bringing Thor to him. Apparently, Thor is a bit of a fanboy when it comes to the Valkyrie warriors. We don’t blame him.

Here’s a great picture of the Grandmaster. We have to admit this is exactly what I thought Jeff Goldblum would look like. Heavy on the eyeliner and with a little splash of color. This also gives us another look at Valkyrie pounding down some adult beverages and looking for a fight.

We are still trying to like the idea of Thor with short hair, but I don’t think we can. Just like the story of Samson and Delilah, his long flowy blond hair was part of his superpower, and now it’s gone.

This is one of my favorite pictures in the article. Seeing Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Thor together makes me realize this is the buddy comedy I never knew I wanted. Also joining this little adventure is Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).

Thor: Ragnarok swings it sword into theaters November 3, 2017.

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What do you think about Thor’s new look for Thor: Ragnarok? Befitting a Norse God or not? Sound off below in the comments section.