Logan’s Opening Weekend Rocked, So What’s Next?


With “Logan” dominating the box office in its opening weekend, it begs the question of where the X-Men universe—and the X-Menheads next

Logan opened over the weekend, the second in more recent R-rated superhero movies. Those are still seen as a bit of a risk.

Well, Logan may have alleviated that worry. It raked in $88 million in the US and $247 million worldwide. As Forbes points out, it had a bigger opening than both Thor: The Dark World and Doctor Strange.

That begs the question for the future of the X-Men universe: What’s next?

It has a very definite ending, Logan, and you have to wonder where the X-Men movies can head next. Even though Logan takes place in a slightly different universe, are the X-Men movies (First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse) inevitably leading up to this being the future? If so, that takes away from any other movies since you know where it’s ending.

Should we expect an X-23 movie around Laura? (The director has made it very clear that’s the movie he wants to make next.) Perhaps it would be continuing their quest to find Eden or maybe after they’ve found it and how they plan to survive. Or maybe jump forward ten years to see how the world is surviving with such a small amount of mutants left in the world. I mean, if these kids were created in a lab, do they count as mutants? Would they pass down their genes?

We all know how insane the continuity is in the X-Men movie universe right now, so does it really matter? They can keep putting out solo movies like this and do just fine.

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One thing is for certain: this large of an opening weekend for an R-rated film most likely means Marvel Studios isn’t going to be getting the rights to the X-Men back anytime soon. 20th Century Fox is going to hold on tight.