With the political standings in our country, many of us want to turn to our favorite satirical sketch comedy show but is Saturday Night Live new tonight?
Saturday Night Live is known for their take on politics. The show gave us the gem that is Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, the Amy Poehler rap and so much more. But recently it has taken on a new life with the Trump administration.
So when Sean Spicer told an entire room of reporters to raise their hands like good little boys and girls, we all knew SNL would have a field day. Unfortunately for us all, the show is currently on a mini hiatus. While the show definitely deserves time off, it just sucks that we, the audience, don’t get to see it every weekend without fail.
Whether it is off because of the Academy Awards or something else, the show hadn’t been on last weekend either. So there is going to be a lot of material for them to use when it does finally come back. And believe me, they’re going to definitely have a field day with that Spicer quote.
Maybe we’ll see the return of Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer. And maybe we’ll finally get a Rosie O’Donnell as Steve Bannon cameo. We’ve all been asking for it, even Rosie herself. But we’ll have to wait and see next weekend.
Hopefully Trump doesn’t burn down the White House in the next week so we’ll have a new one. And if he does, well, Alec Baldwin better be prepared to play Trump in that scenario.
Related Story: Saturday Night Live Season 42 Episode 14 Alec Baldwin Recap
Lucky for you, Saturday Night Live will be back next week and you can check back here on Culturess for recaps and news.