“Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD:” Let’s Talk About the Framework


Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD’s latest episode ended on a big cliffhanger, taking us directly into Radcliffe’s Framework. We’re here to guess how it’ll unfold

If you watched this week’s Agents of SHIELD, you too were left reeling by its ending. In a nutshell: Daisy and Simmons willingly enter the Framework in an attempt to wake up their friends and coworkers.

They have the upper hand: they know they’re in a digital world and have a grasp at their minds in their physical bodies.

But what’s more shocking than their daring plan? The glimpses we have at our SHIELD friends’ lives in the Framework. And it’s all sorts of ridiculous. So let’s take a look at what we saw and make some educated guesses as to what might come of it.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “Self Control” – Suspicion turns to paranoia when the team doesn’t know who can be trusted as more LMDs infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eric McCandless)


Melinda May

Currently: Standing creepily in the Triskelion, which also happens to be Hydra and not SHIELD. Um, hail Hydra?

It looks like the events of The Winter Soldier probably went south and Hydra actually took over SHIELD rather than just toppling SHIELD completely. It feels all sorts of wrong for May to be part of Hydra. Did her mission that turned her into the Cavalry also turn her towards Hydra?


Currently: Teaching a class on how to fear Inhumans.

You have to think that he’s also part of Hydra, but at the same time, he was just reminiscing about the civilian life. He could just be at a college somewhere, but what kind of BS, easy credit is a class on fearing Inhumans? You probably don’t even have to show up to pass it.

This, too, feels very wrong. How can either Coulson or May be happy as part of Hydra?!

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “The Man Behind the Shield” – Mace fights for his life while Coulson and team find themselves in a deadly cat-and-mouse game as they attempt his rescue, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jennifer Clasen)



Currently: (Most likely) happily married with a daughter who is still very much alive.

This seems the most normal. Mack actually gets his happy ending with a family he desires, but is it still with his old flame? Or perhaps it’s Yo-Yo in this world.


Currently: Some sort of genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

And it’s not Simmons on his arm (that we know of). All we’ve seen is a hand coming out of a limo. My fingers are crossed that it’s somehow Bobbi, because that would be awesome to have her back.


Currently: Six feet under, date of death unknown.

You have to assume she’s not actually dead. One can assume she has pulled a Nick Fury and is currently working covertly toward something. Whether it’s to topple Hydra, win Fitz back, or something else equally badass.


Currently: In a relationship with Grant Ward. And probably back to being Skye.

This is going to be a huge problem for Daisy, having to see Grant Ward in the flesh (more or less) after everything he’s done, both as Grant Ward and as Hive.

And if for some reason you don’t believe me, here’s his stupidly smug and evil face to prove it:

This makes me so incredibly happy. I, along with a lot of Agents of SHIELD fans, despised Grant Ward’s character in season one. Just a bland, boring, stock SHIELD agent with nothing going on and an inevitable romance with Skye.

Only to have him actually be a double agent for Hydra. Suddenly he was the most interesting character. Even the Hive twist was pretty cool, and a fun way to keep Ward around.

Since the introduction of LMDs this season, I have begged for either Grant Ward or Peggy Carter to grace our screens. While not necessarily an LMD, Brett Dalton is a welcome sight to this crew.

Next: The Relaunch of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” Has Its Premiere Date on Netflix

Unfortunately, Agents of SHIELD doesn’t return until April 4, so we have a bit of a wait. Leave your thoughts and theories in the comments!