Thousands to Flood the Streets at the Not My President Protests Today

Many are planned to take part in the Not My President Protests today against Donald Trump on the federal holiday of Presidents day.

Since the election of Donald Trump, many have chanted “Not my president” time and time again. His rise to the White House has bleed hatred into our country and many are not happy with it. So there are marches planned for today to oppose the ideals that Trump holds to.

While thousands are to take to the streets against him, it is also important to look back on the history of Presidents day. Because really, this day has nothing to do with Donald Trump and that fact alone would make him angry.

The Meaning of Presidents Day

Presidents Day, a federal holiday that started to honor our first president George Washington and our sixteenth president Abraham Lincoln, has taken on a new name in recent years. Especially this year. Many look to it as a honoring of our former and current presidents.

While in reality it is still a holiday to honor George and Abe, many see it as a day to honor our current commander in chief. While those people are wrong, the protests for today still hold true. Many are projected to take to the streets of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and other cities to protest Donald Trump and his policies.

But while this is a great day to protest, please also remember the men the holiday is truly honoring. A man who laid down the foundation of our nation and told us to stay away from two party systems (who we didn’t listen to and look where it got us) and to Lincoln. If I have to explain what Lincoln did that was great, chances are you voted for Trump.

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So use your free speech that Washington helped provide you with and speak out against Trump today. Just also remember that this holiday is about two men who made this country great, not the one who is trying to tear it apart.