How to Get Away with Murder: 3 Questions for the Season Finale

How to Get Away with Murder’s wild third season comes to an end this week. Here are some things we still want to know during the finale.

How to Get Away with Murder will air a double episode this week, and considering the major reveal we had in last week’s episode about where Connor was the night Wes was murdered, we fully expect to see things get absolutely ridiculous this week in the two episodes. Naturally, we have some questions we’d like to get the answers to. Granted, since this is Murder, we fully expect to be left hanging on at least some of these.

Did Connor see who killed Wes?

Last week, the last flashback showed that Connor had actually been at Annalise’s house on the fateful night. Wes looked pretty dead, but Connor was giving him chest compressions. However, if Connor thought it was worth trying, Wes may not have been dead for all that long. As such, it’s entirely possible he does know who committed the murder. If that’s so, it offers a couple of explanations as to why he keeps pushing Annalise as the killer. On one hand, it could be that he really did see her there. On the other, he may know who the actual murderer is, but thinks it’s too dangerous to reveal without any sort of protection from the police.

Is Laurel actually right with her theory?

Laurel’s decided that the Mahoneys or someone connected to them had Wes killed based on the evidence of a paternity test. It doesn’t feel right to us, but if we suppose that Connor’s keeping mum for a reason, and that reason is power, then she could very well be right. However, we think she’s doomed for some disappointment. Perhaps the more interesting question will be: how will she respond if she finds out who really did it? The answer is probably “not well,” but wil she lash out or withdraw into herself?

Who’s going to go down first: The DA or Annalise?

The DA’s office took some body blows during the last episode, including having to hand over Atwood’s files and an admission that she had the body moved. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t still have a case and what sounds like an impressive amount of information about all of the shenanigans that’s gone down over the past few seasons. At the same time, though, Annalise is the main character of How to Get Away with Murder. A season of her in prison could be interesting, but we get the sense she’ll still be free at the end of the finale. Things may very well head into season 4 at this rate.

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How to Get Away with Murder will air its season finale this Thursday, Feb. 23, starting at 9 p.m. ET. Check back here on Culturess.