20 Of The Weirdest X-Men Stories Ever

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The X-Men fight Krakoa (Image via Marvel)

20. That Time the X-Men Were Eaten by a Living Volcano

Krakoa used to be a simple, tiny island located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. However, thanks to some nearby nuclear bombing test sites, the island got a massive dose of radiation. Said radiation then made the island sentient, because… well. If you want scientifically accurate explanations for mutants and their powers, you’ve come to the wrong place, my friend. This list in particular is bound to be frustrating.

At any rate, Krakoa managed to become a semi-aware hive mind sort of being. That was all well and good until the first X-Men arrived. After Professor X’s Cerebro machine detected an unknown mutant in the area, Cyclops, Angel, Havok, Iceman, Jean Grey, and Polaris go in to investigate. Krakoa promptly tries to eat them. Cyclops is saved by a bunch of young mutants. Both and the surviving kids are effectively brainwashed by Professor X.

By now, you think the remaining X-Men would stay the hell away from that island. Not so, says Professor X (he really does start to seem a little unhinged, after a while, right?). He assembles a third team, who finally manages to save mostly everyone. Krakoa, meanwhile, gets blasted into outer space.

A profoundly strange story, and hardly one that casts Professor X in a flattering light. At the very least, the story in which the third team assembles introduces Nightcrawler, Storm, and Wolverine.