Fox continues flexing its superhero muscles as it drops a strange, new Logan clip that calls upon the “Sunseeker” and shows Wolverine driving a limo around.
Since Marvel shows no signs of slowing down, Fox continues the fight to prove that they can make superhero movies just as well. (Which is to say, they won’t be giving back the rights to anything anytime soon.) Obviously, Deadpool came out of nowhere and really turned the genre on its head. Not only was it Rated R, but it also came out during Valentine’s Day, made a lot of money, and went on to be nominated for several awards. Of course, it was also snubbed for some too.
More importantly, it proved that nobody should count Fox or its millions of X-Men movies out yet.
Soon, Logan will be another film in their repertoire that proves this point. From the very beginning, Logan’s trailers have departed from the norm by dropping in poignant Johnny Cash songs and showing a grittier side of Wolverine.
Obviously, Wolverine / Hugh Jackman are at the center of the X-Men universe. He’s the most popular character by far. Plus, his aging powers make him the perfect character to push across timelines. On the other hand, Hugh Jackman has always played the character a little one-note. His foremost emotions are anger and bitterness. And while that doesn’t seem to be changing in the upcoming Logan, Fox has added another layer with the Old Man Logan storyline and the existence of X-23.
In the new spot below, Logan’s next facet appears to be that of a limo driver. We watch in black and white as he drives several passengers around town with a Sunseeker ad playing over the events. Now, a Sunseeker is a popular yacht often featured in James Bond movies. So, when you watch the clip below, be thinking of a much more suave Logan.
Check it out:
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Logan opens in theaters on March 3, 2017.