20 Self Care Tips for Warriors of the Resistance

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Herbal Tea

It may be your grandma’s age-old suggestion, but she’s always been right on this one – tea can cure all. (Okay, well, close.) When the day has been too much, when your body feels like every muscle is coiled too tightly and your head and heart are heavy, boil the kettle and pull out a bag of your go-to herbal tea. It may not actually fix everything – sorry, Grandma – but it’ll help you unwind, if even just a little. Plus, it tastes delicious, so.

New to herbal tea? Chamomile tea is an anti-inflammatory, relaxing tea, and one of the more popular of tea flavors out there. Peppermint tea, while mainly best for indigestion and bloating issues, also helps with relaxing muscle spasms. Ginger tea is another digestive helpful tea, as well as good for warding off cold germs. Lemon tea is both delicious and “helpful for lifting spirits” according to Best Health. There’s even this Sleepytime Tea for those looking to unwind for bed time.

Whatever your palette prefers, a hot cuppa warms the body and is just the treat your body may need.