20 Self Care Tips for Warriors of the Resistance

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It’s maybe the oldest remedy in the book, and yet, perhaps one of the most effective – simply take a walk. If you’re feeling riled up, if you’ve been fighting over a keyboard all day or reading up, whatever it may have been – sometimes, fresh air and some steps are all it takes to unwind, even just enough. Walking is medically proven to lower blood pressure, improve moods, strengthen bones and muscles…and get you away from your screen.

Really, all the things we could use while the news has been nothing but stress inducing lately, right?

Whether it’s ten minutes a day, an hour a week, or investing in a treadmill desk (like these ones from LifeSpan), getting those steps in may just be exactly what you need to keep on through your day and ready to fight onward. If you’re a competitive person or particularly athletic, add a Fitbit or fitness tracker into your day and make it part of your daily goals, as well. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand – and both need to be in good shape for the Resistance.