The 100 Season 4 Episode 1 “Echoes:” Some Shocking Moments

The 100 returned last week with an insane episode that left me with theories, questions, and hopes for where season 4 of this show is going to go.

If you haven’t seen the season premier of The 100, catch my recap here. Now read on while I dig deeper into important plot points.

Becho will come in handy.

No, no, no. I’m not talking about a romance between Bellamy and Echo- I doubt that will ever happen. I’m talking about the weird history that Bellamy and Echo have together and how much I think that’s going to play an important role in this season.

When I first made some hypotheses about season 4, I knew it was going to be Skaikru vs. Ice Nation, and that’s exactly what episode 1 was. But now that Roan has officially announced that he’s following the coalition that Lexa left behind- now what? Are they still enemies? Is this whole season still going to be about what I originally thought? At the end of the episode, Echo offers Bellamy something to protect Skaikru. She then asks Bellamy if they’ll ever be able to trust each other again. You could visibly see that Echo was a little disappointed when Bell says probably not. WHY?

Like I said, I don’t see a romantic relationship happening, but I do see them learning to understand one another. Both of them have made some serious mistakes at the expense of the other one’s people. Bellamy slaughtered an entire army. Oops. Echo blew up Mount Weather. Oops again. So they do share this weird bond that I hope will come in handy in joining the two clans to save the world.

Raven’s upgraded brain.

We all know that Raven is smart- her and Monty are usually the brains behind every save each season. So it’s no surprise that we’re finding out that her brain is even larger in season 4. She left the CoL with an upgraded brain. Thank you, Alie? The one good thing we got out of that, I guess. And I’m only willing to bet that this upgraded brain is going to be the key to everything. Like, saving the world from nuclear radiation. Or, you know, something like that.

Like mother, like daughter.

Did anyone else squee with such joy at the beginning of the episode when both Clarke and Abby ran to the man yelling for a healer? They had just gone over how Skaikru was no longer welcome there and how they needed to get the hell back to Arkadia. Then the Griffin women hear someone yelling for help, and off they go! Like mother, like daughter.

Even when Echo has a knife to Clarke’s throat, Abby is begging to let her save Roan’s life. These two are fearless powerhouses and their dedication to saving people is something that will constantly amaze me on this show. After all they’ve been through, both put other people before themselves and that’ll play a huge role in where season 4 takes us.

Honorable Mentions:

  • What have I Done?” “What have we done?“At least Jaha knows that he should blame himself. This was all entirely his fault to begin with, but then Kane has to add in that it was a combined effort. No, it wasn’t, Kane!! This all started back in the middle of season 2 when Jaha first left Arkadia. This is all his fault and I will forever blame him.
  • Memori is adorable. I’m interested to see where their story goes. In every season, John Murphy is the one who knows everything, who has all the information, so I can only assume that he’ll play that role in S4 once again. But now, with Emori by his side.
  • Kabbyyyyyy. Clarke’s little smile she gave them while Kane was comforting Abby by stroking her face. Good god. Always time for a little lovin’ when the world is ending. Amirite?
  • I’m beyond shocked that Octavia is on Team Skaikru. I thought for sure she was going all “rouge assassin” this season. It’ll be interesting to see where she goes after they finally get out of Polis.
  • Is Pike really dead? Did we see the body? Is Indra happy that Pike is dead? I have so many questions about this.
  • The whole Jasper/PTSD story line really needs to be addressed some more. They can’t just shove an emotional scene like that in the premier and then ignore the subject completely.
  • I’m so happy that Clarke and Abby finally had a moment where they talked about Lexa. That needed to happen and it was emotional and perfect and beautiful and everything I wanted.
  • Roan and his 27 abs deserve a bigger crown.
  • I cried hard and good when Clarke gave Roan the flame.
  • An attack against Skaikru is an attack against us all.” Squeeeeeeee.

All in all, this episode was dope and reminded me why I love this show so much. 10/10.

Next: Did Someone Say Sanvers-Centric Valentine’s Day Episode?

Catch the next episode of The 100 on Wednesday, February 8 at 9/8c on The CW.