The Stranger Things Season 2 Trailer is Here and Has Us Screaming

Stranger Things is coming back this October and the season 2 trailer is doing everything in its power to make us as excited as possible. And we are.

For those of us who have been addicted to Stranger Things since this last summer, we’ve been waiting for this trailer for quite some time. And now the wait is finally over! During the Super Bowl, we finally got the season 2 sneak peek.

If you’re like me, you might have missed the first few seconds not realizing that the “Leggo my Eggo” line was the trailer. But no worries! You can now easily watch it below!

So we know it is set in 1984 because our favorite boys are wearing Ghostbusters costumes. Why, you may ask, are they dressed up? Because it is probably set around Halloween. Again, you might be asking why, but that’s because the show doesn’t return until October.

Sucks right? But hey, maybe now on Halloween we can all dress up like our favorite Stranger Things characters and get ready to hunker down and binge watch season 2 before someone tries to spoil it all for us.

The trailer says “The world is turning upside down” and while we don’t know what that means, we can assume that it is going to be the Upside Down coming for its revenge since Will escaped and Eleven killed the demogorgon.

But what’s great is that maybe we haven’t seen the end of Eleven. That or Mike was just yelling her name for fun in the trailer. Whatever it all means, it did its job. We’re all super excited for season 2!

Related Story: Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Second Season of Stranger Things

Check back here on Culturess for news on Stranger Things and recaps when the show returns this Halloween!