Doctor Who Premiere Date Set For April 15th

The premiere date for our last series with Peter Capaldi has been confirmed, so we can all prepare ourselves to go through the grieving process once more.

It feels like just as we’re getting used to the Doctor, he goes as regenerates on us. Even those who were vehemently against the casting of Capaldi as “too old” “too gruff” or “too scottish” seem to be saddened last night when he announced that the 10th series would indeed be his last.

But lost in all the talk of how much we’ll miss the Doctor who helped save the Moffat era, and speculation on who would step up to take the role next, was the other announcement from the BBC: that of the premiere date for the long delayed Series 10. We’ve known for a while it would come “sometime this spring” but exactly when was not confirmed: until now.

Check out the Instagram announcement:

So it’s April 15th for the final round with the Doctor, which for Americans is Tax Day. April 15th will also be the premiere date in the UK.

Personally, Capaldi has been my favorite Doctor of the reboot series, replacing even the 9th Doctor Christopher Eccleston. (Clearly I am partial to the crankier Doctor than the romantic one.) And though part of my would have liked Capaldi to continue into the Chibnall Era, perhaps it is best to clear the decks as the Moffat era ends and let the series completely regenerate once more into whatever the program decides to be next.

Related Story: Culturess’ Official Ranking of Doctors in Doctor Who

Note also that the Doctor Who spin off Class, which BBC America was dragging their feet on bringing over here is also finally going to show up. It’ll have been a good six months since the mediocre ratings on BBC3, and three since the downright dismal ones on BBC1 before it gets here. Those have most likely made it so there won’t be many more seasons for BBCA to worry about. Perhaps said ratings are why the channel decided the best avenue was to bundle Class also with the return of Doctor Who into a two hour block of programming.