Supergirl Recap: Episode 209, “Supergirl Lives”

The second half of Supergirl season 2 premiered last night and proved that Supergirl (and #sanvers) are back and better than ever.

Supergirl & MonEl’s Big Adventure

A woman shows up at CatCo one day and tells them that her daughter went missing, begging for their help. Carr swipes it under the rug but Kara has a different approach (because of course she does). Kara seeks out Maggie’s help, and if you think I wasn’t smiling like an idiot at a scene between these two then you are dead wrong. Maggie explains that there has been an increase in missing person cases over the last few months but the NCPD can’t find a connection.

Winn, in all his black eye glory, comes in clutch and figures out that each person who’s gone missing has gotten blood work done at one specific lab in town. Of course, Kara goes to investigate the lab. Alex, who’s quite literally glowing from her new relationship with Maggie (which, of course, I’ll talk about in depth a little later on) offers to come along but Kara says she can handle it. MonEl decides he has nothing better to do though so he tags along with Kara.

Here, they realize this doctor is actually transporting people through a portal to a planet called Slaver’s Moon, to be casually sold into human trafficking. Kara and MonEl follow the doctor through the portal and quickly realize that their powerless on this new planet.

MonEl wants to get off this planet ASAP. Kara, sporting her Supergirl gear now, isn’t going anywhere until she frees these innocent people. Kara reminds MonEl, who has recently found himself behind the gaylien bar as a bartender, that this is “what heroes do.”

They don’t just sit behind a bar because it’s easier,” Kara tells him when he wants to turn back before saving all these people. They turn themselves in and find out that Roulette is the one running the show- turns out she needed a new hobby post alien fight club. They’re thrown into a cell where Kara finds the missing daughter of the woman at the beginning of the episode, among many others.

But now what?

Alex & Winn Step Up

Luckily, Kara has people who love her more than anything. Those people being Alex and Winn. Winn is experiencing a little PTSD after getting beat up while helping the Guardian but gets dragged along anyway to work the portal. J’onn can’t go with them since Slaver’s Moon’s air is toxic to Martians. So, it’s up to Alex and Winn.

While Alex and a team of agents storm onto the planet, Winn is guarding the portal but has to fight off one of the slavers while he’s alone. This is exactly what he needed, to know that he could fight back.

Kara and MonEl are getting the prisoners to fight back against the guards. As they’re escaping, MonEl finds his inner superhero and stays back to take a bullet while the prisoners are escaping. The Dominator recognizes him though, and tells the guards not to shoot him. Not only that, they then bow to him before he runs free.

Kara and MonEl reunite with Alex and run back to the portal. Just before they can all get through, Izzy (the missing daughter) is grabbed by a guard and being dragging away. Luckily, Alex’s team came prepared with a solar energy bomb, which gave Supergirl her powers back for enough time to get Izzy and get everyone through the portal.

Once they’re home, MonEl explains to Kara that he wants to be a superhero now because she inspired him. I was loving the MonEl/Kara dynamic up until this scene. Something about it just felt like he’s trying to copy her or out-do her, and I don’t want that. I don’t want MonEl to take over Kara’s storyline. And I certainly don’t want him to take anything away from #Sanvers. Speaking of…

My Sanvers Shipping Heart is Happy

What an episode for sanvers, y’all. My emotions were all over the place. The episode started off with a pretty iconic scene between Alex and Maggie. They were in Alex’s apartment and they had just woken up and Maggie was in Alex’s shirt and they were happy. I could probably rewatch that one scene and never get bored with it. Anyway, it was nice that they just showed pure happiness between the two. You rarely get that on a TV show for a f|f couple.

Alex then goes into work with the giggliest, happiest, doofiest smile on her face. Kara notices, as does everyone else. Alex and Kara share a moment where Alex just gets to gush about her new girlfriend and you can tell that Kara is genuinely and completely happy for her- another thing you rarely get on TV for a f|f couple. Please don’t let us down now, Supergirl writers.

Of course, there will be hiccups. Like when Alex blames herself for Kara going missing on another planet. Maggie comes to see her at work when Alex is figuring all this out and explains to her that she can’t do this anymore. After years and years of taking care of her sister and worrying about her, Alex doesn’t know how to take care of herself anymore. So, off Maggie goes. But we all knew that wouldn’t last long.

By the end of the episode, Alex and Maggie have a heartbreakingly honest conversation about Alex’s insecurities. Also, Maggie tells her that she knows Supergirl is her Kara. Because let’s be honest, the glasses don’t do anything. Maggie “a true detective” Sawyer, everyone.

Next: The 100 Season 4 Poster Released and It’s Quite Literally On Fire

So I obviously have a ton of questions about next week and I assume you do too. Let me know what they are in the comments!