Culturess’ Ranking of The Legend of Zelda Games

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11. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Wii era was a somewhat weird one for Zelda, all things considered. Twilight Princess started life out as a GameCube game only, then ended up appearing on both systems, with the Wii version serving as a launch title. Skyward Sword then came out basically at the end of the console’s lifespan.

The story follows one of the older Links in the series as he attempts to save Hyrule from the evil Zant. Throughout his adventure, Link shifts back and forth between the guise of a wolf and his own human form, with the help of the strange Midna.

Like Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess used motion controls, but it didn’t tie specific movements to ridiculously specific waggles of the Wii Remote if you were playing the Wii version.

I’ll admit it: I have a soft spot for Twilight Princess, even though I’m well aware of its major shortcomings in the form of dungeon items barely being useful outside of their specific dungeons and in its sticking to the formula codified by Ocarina of Time. Also, there’s that one little fetch quest late in the game. Midna’s one of the coolest companions out there, the dungeons are fun, and the story is actually reasonably complex.

Even though that fetch quest isn’t fun, you have to admit that anything that comes with a Western theme is basically great.