Star Wars: Episode VIII Luke and Rey Plot Details Cometh!

As 2017 begins, so do the rumblings for the next entry in the Star Wars saga franchise as director Rian Johnson talks Episode VIII plot.

The last time we saw Luke Skywalker, he was wallowing on Ahch-To playing the ‘will-he-or-won’t-he’ game with our new heroine, Rey. Once Episode VIII hits theaters this December, it’ll be two years since that fateful scene. But according to the movie’s director Rian Johnson, no time passed in the Star Wars universe.

As if in encased in carbonite, Rey and Luke have been suspended in time with her arm stuck in the air and Luke’s face in permanent woe mode. Of course, we knew already Episode VIII would pick up right after, but Johnson elaborated, “I don’t want to skip ahead two years. I want to see the very next moment of what happens.”

(Obviously, Luke’s going to break the tension with, “Who talks first? You talk first?“)

While we know Luke and Rey will be spending some amount of time together, “a large part of the movie” is understanding Luke’s motivations for leaving the Resistance and what he’s been doing all that time. Meanwhile, Rey must deal with the startling realization that she’s, you know, a Jedi. Because, in case you missed it, the Force just woke up. So, Episode VIII will be addressing said woke Force.

According to Johnson:

"“She’s taking her first step to coming to terms with this thing inside her that she never knew was there and is just starting to reveal its potential.”"

It’s almost like that weird Obi-Wan voiceover where he says, “These are your first steps...” actually meant something.

Obviously, we realize that this isn’t new information that we couldn’t otherwise infer ourselves. However, it is Rian Johnson going on the record and talking Episode VIII. Which means, the Rogue One train has left the station, and — choo! choo! — here comes the Episode VIII express.

Related Story: Lucasfilm Meeting to Discuss Carrie Fisher’s Role in Future Star Wars Films

Now, if I could please have an official title, that would be great.

Star Wars: Episode VIII hits theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.