11 Things We Must Protect in 2017

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Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor

This unlikely couple was not only one of the best things to survive 2016, but maybe one of the greatest gifts we’ve ever been given as a human species??? Sarah Paulson, of American Horror Story, American Crime Story, 12 Years A Slave, and Carol fame, and star of countless other understated and lovely and brilliant films, has always been refreshingly honest about her sexuality. She’s dated men, she’s dated women, but she mostly just expresses interest in her partners as human people, regardless of their genders. In other words, she participates in dating the only way it actually makes sense and not the way the whole world does it where we can only pick based on what’s under one’s zipper. *gavel slam*

Holland Taylor, a stage and screen legend in her own right, is likely most famous for her work in Legally Blonde, but has made a huge mark on the theatre with her work in Ann, a one woman show about Texas governor Ann Richards. Oh, she was also in The L Word. And she has kept her sexuality largely under wraps, understandably. But now, she is dating Sarah Paulson. And not just “dating.” No, no. These two are so in love, it actually sometimes makes my brain and limbs hurt when I’m, like, standing in line at a Duane Reade. They’re so supportive of each other on social media (and probably in real life), and when asked, they’re amazingly honest about their age difference and the societal implications. And if they break up, this year or otherwise, I swear to Xenu, I will never be able to feel an ounce of love or happiness in my heart ever again.