20 Reasons Why Moulin Rouge is the Best Movie Musical

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Image courtesy of Fox Studios

The Baz Luhrmann classic Moulin Rouge changed how so many saw movie musicals and we’re going to explain why it is the best of them.

Moulin Rouge changed the way a lot of people view the movie musical. It was revolutionary and beautiful and gave us a love medley for the ages. So why is it still seen as just every ‘basic girl’s’ favorite movie? Well first off, probably sexism. But also whoever thinks that is missing out on this great film.

The movie follows the love story of Christian and Satine, trying to get out of the Moulin Rouge and find somewhere to be in love together. Unfortunately, Satine has tuberculosis and is dying. She is also promised to a man called The Duke who is going to make her a star and gives Harry Zidler money to produce a play starring Satine.

It is nuanced and amazing and gives us great performances all around. But it is a musical so a lot of people instantly hate it because of such. So we are going to go through 20 reasons why Moulin Rouge is the musical movie that truly changes the game for all those movie musicals out there. From “Your Song” to the Sparkling Diamond herself, we’re going to look at  why this movie should be universally loved because if you haven’t seen it, you’re truly missing out.