In the latest in the anti Trump rally, Sally Field, Jeffrey Wright and more celebrities are asking Congress to stop Trump’s hateful message.
Stars joined the social media campaign by Humanity for Progress to beg Congress to be Anti Trump. And honestly, it is not what you think. Anymore the phrase ‘anti Trump’ brings about a lot of hatred and negativity for our president-elect.
But that is the opposite of the message the Humanity for Progress video sends. Instead, they are pleading with Congress to stop his acts of hatred, sexism, racism, and xenophobia from every being carried out.
The video starts with stars recounting what Trump’s hatred has brought to minorities and women since his election. His negativity to anyone not male and white has proven to break whatever social standards we have.
Women are being accosted on the streets, Muslims attacked for practicing their religion, and it is not what this country was built to be. So please, listen to these stars and encourage your Congressmen and Congresswomen to fight against Trump as much as they can.
And Congress, please remember what this country was built upon. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Trump’s hatred and bigotry prevents some of us from doing so safely. Do what you can to make sure the damage he inflicts is minimal. It is, after all, why there is a checks and balances system in place. And honestly, who wants to upset Sally Field? Definitely not me.
Related Story: Bruce Springsteen Strikes Again With His Hatred of Donald Trump
Don’t be quiet. Call your local Congressmen and make your voice heard. No one should live in fear of walking the streets. We need to let our opinions be known and work to make this nation just as amazing as it was promising to be.