10 Times My Favorite Murder Was Super Feminist And We Loved It

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Photo Credit: My Favorite Murder / Instagram

Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered

The tag line of My Favorite Murder, and what ends every episode, is the phrase “Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered”. On the podcast, “stay sexy and don’t get murdered” is as much of an “I wish you well!” as it is a reminder that you shouldn’t have to change who you are to stay safe. Recently, the idea that women often feel unsafe doing mundane tasks like walking down the street has been ridiculed by some. Plenty of men don’t understand why women feel this way or how it could possibly factor into our daily lives. My Favorite Murder in some ways reminds us that we are never safe. Now wait, don’t take this the wrong way. In fact, getting randomly murdered is way less likely than someone you know murdering you. Okay, so maybe that doesn’t make you feel better.

What you should remember about staying sexy and not getting murdered is that the blame for all crimes ultimately rests on the one perpetrating it. So while, yes, there is plenty to learn from in each case discussed on My Favorite Murder, ultimately you can’t live every day in fear. You can just go out into the world and live it as sexily as you want (or don’t want). The key is to just remember that you can stay sexy and still not get murdered.