10 Times My Favorite Murder Was Super Feminist And We Loved It

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Photo Credit: My Favorite Murder / Instagram

F**k Politeness

This vulgar phrase might be off-putting or just sound downright mean–but hear me out. “F*** politeness” is actually a very feminist idea. On My Favorite Murder, they spend each episode discussing murders (and sometimes almost-murders) and the events leading up to them. Early on in the series, started to become obvious that there was a pattern. Most of the victims are women and many times they ignore some key information which leads to them ultimately being in a bad situation. Sometimes it’s the decision to hitchhike, which I think we all know now is a terrible idea. But sometimes the victim went against their instincts and ended up paying the price with their lives.

Enter: f**k politeness. Our patriarchal society as a whole teaches women to be polite, kind, and not make anyone uncomfortable. Add in the fact that women are scared of what might happen if they anger a man and it’s not that uncommon for us ladies to ignore our instincts in order to be “nice” or “polite”. So when they say “f**k politeness” on My Favorite Murder, they aren’t saying don’t bake your new neighbor a cake. They’re saying trust your instincts and don’t compromise them for the sake of being polite.