15 reasons the Star Wars Holiday Special is actually terrible

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9. Jefferson Starship

Here we go again with the weird guest stars. Did they get Jefferson Starship because their name had the word starship in it? Or were they just big fans of the movie? Can anyone answer this? Can we get Jefferson Starship to explain why this happened?

No? Probably not, because no one knows why this happened. They just know that it did. Could you imagine being Jefferson Starship and getting to do this? They probably thought that they’d get a bunch of new fans from this and instead, everyone pretends like it doesn’t exist because it is so terrible.

I just want to point out that their ‘transitions’ to make it more like a ‘Variety Show’ are to have Lumpy play some stupid game. Then, it goes into performances. So, (I think, I’m not rewatching this crappy thing so I think) this is when Lumpy and everyone tries to entertain the Stormtroopers.

So they entertain them with Jefferson Starship because why not? Next thing you know they’re going to have Rihanna singing some song on a spaceship just so people can entertain Kylo Ren. Honestly, I think if someone tried to get Harrison Ford to do another Star Wars Holiday Special he might just throw himself out of a plane.