20 Reasons the Harry Potter Movies are Christmas Movies

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Image Courtesy of Warner Brothers

14. Harry Gets the Marauder’s Map

Another gift that Harry got that was once his father’s is the Marauder’s Map. Earlier, we said that the only gift he got was the Invisibility Cloak and that is true. Harry was never supposed to get the map; the Weasley twins just gave it to him unknowingly.

Let me just get on a soapbox for a moment because I love the Marauder’s Map. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are amazing. Just think for a moment about how great an entire series about them would be. It would be incredible, right?

Good. Now that you want that series as well, tweet at J.K. Rowling and ask her to hurry up and give us young, hot Sirius Black. We’ve been waiting. Twelve years of it, in Azkaban.

Still, getting the Marauder’s Map at Christmas was an amazing moment in the series. It introduced us to the Marauders as well as this wonderful creation they made together. We learned about the friendship between Remus Lupin and Sirius Black because Lupin found Harry in possession of it.

It is just great because Harry inadvertently got something else of his father’s. Anything Harry can get that was once James Potter’s makes it an amazing moment.