Love Actually Plotlines Ranked By Sadness

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Courtesy of Universal Pictures.

We take a tear-jerking journey through the saddest bits of the otherwise feel-good holiday classic Love Actually.

I love Christmas movies very much. In fact, I cry during almost every Christmas movie just because the sheer amount of love I have for Christmas can only manifest in the form of tears falling out of my face. So, when I discovered Love Actually (a bit late in the game as a young adult) and found that it was a Christmas movie universally regarded as tear-worthy, I was elated to have finally found a film that appropriately combined my love for holiday merriment with my proclivity for tears.

I’m not usually one to give even a second glance to movies with roots in romance unless they’re Nora Ephron-helmed, but the Christmas magic, jolly and whimsical tone, and pure incomprehensible heartbreak that are all tied up in a glittery red bow within this film make it endlessly irresistible. And with its many intertwining plotlines containing almost too many characters to count, this movie gives us TONS of opportunities to sob over a plethora of unique traumas and tragedies. Merry Christmas! Enjoy two hours of ugly-crying, in the spirit of the holiday!

(Because at Christmas, you tell the truth, be aware that spoilers lie ahead!)