18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Nine Lives by Paul Varjak

Once Holly is in Paul’s apartment, we learn that he is a writer and has a box of novels he has written! Well, just one novel. There were a lot of copies of it in that box. Paul tells Holly that he’s holding off from writing little short stories to save his writing for his full novel.

Holly asks him questions about his writing and how much he does it and it’s all a great way to show where Paul is in his career. Holly also points out that Paul doesn’t have a ribbon in his typewriter.

The entire scene is just Holly snooping around his apartment, looking in his closet and looking into the life of her neighbor she had just met. While it is telling us a lot about Paul, it also shows that Holly is the kind of person who likes to look into your life but doesn’t want you looking into hers.

She yells at Paul later on about snooping but that is exactly what she is doing in this scene. She wants to figure out who he is and questions a lot about him. Holly Golightly wants to know everything she can about Paul, even whether or not he knows about his typewriter ribbon.