18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Paul Helps Holly Get Dressed for Sing Sing

When Holly realizes that it is 10 in the morning on a Thursday, she frantically moves about her apartment to try and get ready. Paul is enlisted to help her get ready and he, essentially, stops her apartment from being burned down when she lets a candle like thing fall into a basket of fake flowers.

The scene where Holly is getting ready is great because we learn about her trips to Sing Sing to talk to Sally Tomato and how men will give her fifty dollars every time she goes to the powder room. While the scene is short and just shows us how even though Holly is a mess, she can make herself look put together, it gives us a look into her daily life.

It also introduces us to the slightly illegal thing she does for Sally Tomato. Even if it is unknowingly. While we don’t know if she truly doesn’t understand what she is doing wrong or it is all an act, Holly is transferring information from Sally to his outside crew.

She says it as a weather report. Some as crazy as snow flurries in New Orleans. But that initial scene of her getting ready sets up a lot of the story for their relationship as well as how Holly really gets her money.