18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

The Kiss in the Rain That Changed the World

When Paul leaves the car, Holly waits a moment before running back after Cat and Paul. She wants to be with them and once they find the cat, Holly turns to Paul and they share one of the most iconic movie kisses of all time.

It is a mix of the old Hollywood kind of kisses and what we are more used to in our movies today. But there is just something about a kiss in the rain that is the most romantic of kisses out there.  It still can bring tears to the audience as they watch these two finally succumb to their feelings for one another and it makes for a great ending to a movie.

We don’t know what is going to happen between Paul and Holly. They have a lot to work out but the two love each other and that is all they need in that moment.

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Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a classic for a good reason. The movie is filled with moments so iconic that they are featured in movies still today. And it gave us George Peppard as the ever lovely Paul Varjak and Audrey as Holly Golightly so we are all indebted to it.