18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Oh I Love New York

Holly begins to learn Portuguese in preparation for her move and she takes up knitting and gets a whole bunch of weird furniture. Paul comes over at her request and she apologizes to him and tries to make them dinner as a farewell gift to him.

Unfortunately for Holly, her meal blows up all over her kitchen and her and Paul go out to eat instead. As they are walking to dinner, she stops to look at the city around her and explains how much New York means to her.

She talks about how she’ll bring her sixteen Brazilian children back to the city one day but, for now, she had to sadly say goodbye. Throughout the whole movie, New York is its own character. It is a cheesy way of saying it but it is true.

New York is so special and the way the city flows around Holly shows how at ease she is there. She refused to leave New York once she got there and now she is willing to throw it all away for the prospect of money.

She never gets out of the city though because she is arrested because of her meetings with Sally Tomato.