18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Saying Goodbye to Doc and Getting a Drink

2E and Paul think that 2E’s husband is having them followed. When Paul goes to confront the man, it is revealed that he is Holly’s ex-husband who married her when she was 14 to help out her and her brother Fred. Doc asks Paul to help him get in touch with Holly and so Paul does.

It is after they are reunited that Holly begs Paul to come with her to see Doc off because he thinks she’s going back to Texas with him. When they finally say goodbye (even after Doc threatens  to send Fred back to the Army), Holly asks Paul to buy her a drink.

It is an iconic scene in the movie for it is Audrey’s all black pant outfit with her hair up and her Jackie O sunglasses. There is just something about this look that people still refer to (after her initial black dress outfit).

The entire Doc storyline is said and serves to show us the person that Holly used to be. She later has the line “I’m not Holly and I’m not Lulamae either. I don’t know who I am” and it starts with this scene. She has never known who she truly is and she’s still searching.