30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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7. It Would be to Honor Eddard and Robb

Though we’ve learned that Eddard is not Jon’s real father and Robb is not Jon’s real brother, that doesn’t change their relationships to each other. Eddard is still the father Jon knew and Robb was his brother, simple as that.

So if Jon finally got control of the throne and ruled Westeros, it would be a great honor to his late father and brother. Their entire lives were dedicated to doing what was right by Westeros and by the lands they ruled and they gave their lives in doing so.

With Jon in power, everything they worked towards and for would not be in vain. Though Ned and Robb will never get to see it, his taking over of the throne would be an ode to the family who lost so much in the fight. The first season of Game of Thrones, we saw a Stark family that was happy and young. Now the remaining members are drained and continually fight for their lives.

With Jon on the throne, it would begin to heal all that happened to them throughout the years and give them the power that they rightfully deserve. Also the Starks are just awesome and neither Ned nor Robb deserved what happened to them.