30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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30. He Might Have Special Powers

We’ve seen with Daenerys and even some of the Starks that magical powers exist in the world of Game of Thrones. So maybe Jon could also have skills that no one knows about yet. Well, he did come back to life and they could, feasibly, do it as many times as necessary if Jon continues to get killed.

Maybe that’s his power and, if it is, it would be pretty awesome. But if it isn’t his power and he doesn’t have one or hasn’t discovered his yet, that’s okay. He still has the capabilities of developing something super cool.

Game of Thrones is nowhere near close to figuring out who is going to end up of the throne. It could be anyone’s ball game. But Jon Snow is an amazing contender. He is worthy of it, his family fought for it and is still fighting, and he would represent two houses instead of just one.

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Jon Snow would be a great ruler of Westeros and he would do what was necessary to lead the land. So whether or not the show actually has Jon taking the throne, we think that he definitely should because he’d be incredible at ruling all of Westeros.