A Comprehensive Holiday Gift Guide For The TV Lover In Your Life

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Photo: Etsy/Melligator

House of Cards fans are the only folks who will understand why Frank Underwood inspires both fear and admiration. That shrewd political acumen on top of that dreamy Southern accent makes Frank Underwood one of the most popular characters on TV. Never mind he’s murdered a handful of people, connived and schemed his best friends and loved ones out of everything they love, and lied to and betrayed just about everyone in his life. Yet, here we are, still crushing super hard on the man.

These cufflinks are just the gift for the person in your life who only wants to dabble in murderous scheming, yet still wants to look the part of the genteel Southern politician. Can you imagine a classier accessory for a man other than a french cuffed shirt and custom cufflinks? I’m swooning just thinking about it. No wonder Claire sticks around for all the intrigue.

Even if the HoC fans in your life don’t care so much about clawing their way to the Presidency, or even impressing their constituents, these cufflinks also spell out “FU,” so they perform in a lot of different situations and scenarios.

House of Cards, Frank Underwood’s FU Cufflinks – $5

Etsy – Melligator