25 fandoms directly inspired by politics

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Image courtesy of Lionsgate

The Hunger Games

In The Hunger Games series, there is no political ties whatsoever. This slide shouldn’t exist. Politics in this futuristic novel? Wow what a concept. (Please note the previous statements are all sarcasm as The Hunger Games is one of the most politically handed series out to date).

In a world where the government forces children to fight to death in an annual Hunger Games tribute to honor the war and the rebellion that took place prior to the life they all know now, it is very clearly about politics.

Katniss Everdeen must overthrow President Snow. If you weren’t sure before, you should know for certain now that it is surrounded by political nuances. His name is President Snow after all. But Katniss much become the symbol of a revolution.

She changes the face of everything and wins the war for people like her. For the working class districts. President Snow isn’t really the equivalent of anyone (since this series came out before the most recent election) but at least we all know and can find ourselves in Katniss. She is a little bit of each of us and we can relate to her.

And so if you can’t relate to the politics of The Hunger Games, the question remains again: what are you doing watching or reading them?