25 fandoms directly inspired by politics

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Photo credit: Sara Krulwich


If the lyrics “The ten dollar, founding father without a father got a lot farther by working a lot harder by being a self starter” don’t clue you in, Hamilton is about the beginning of politics in our country. Super shocking, right? With Alexander Hamilton as the title character, who would ever have known?

The best part of the musical and how it blew up is all the people asking “But when did Hamilton end up becoming president”. It’s great because it shows just how screwed up our education system is. People thought Hamilton was a president. The man who was famously shot by the Vice President who was only the Treasurer was never president.

But that’s besides the point. People want to know about if politics have anything to do with Hamilton. Well, in short, yes. The musical is about Alexander Hamilton and his life story narrated by Aaron Burr, the man who shot him.

So if you were looking at this musical from afar for the first time with no prior knowledge, would you think it has politics involved in it? Safe to say that yes, you’d think that. Also it is extremely relevant for today’s changing political climate so Hamilton is probably going to be sold out forever. Good luck even getting a ticket to try and prove someone wrong.