A Thanksgiving Playlist to Help Keep You Sane

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“Joanne”, Lady Gaga

I tried not to include this song, because it’s sad. But I couldn’t pass it by. Lady Gaga recently released a new album titled Joanne, and the title track is totally worthy of our Thanksgiving playlist. The short version of the story is this: Joanne is the name of Stefani’s paternal aunt, who died at the age of 19 from Lupus. “Joanne” is a song to her, but is also a song to anyone we may have lost. The holiday can be especially hard if we’ve recently lost someone—or we fear we may soon lose someone. Let this song be the anthem for all of us who mourn. You are not alone.

"Take My Hand Stay, Joanne Heaven’s not Ready for you Every part of my Aching heart Needs you more Than the angels do Girl, where do you think you’re going? Where do you think you’re going, going, girl? Girl, where do you think you’re going? Where do you think you’re going, going, girl? If you could I know that you’d stay We both know Things don’t work that way I promised I Wouldn’t say goodbye So I grin And my voice gets thin"