The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Via Giphy

When Full House debuted 1987 on TGIF, it was must see TV for families across America. The whole “three men and a baby” vibe had America swooning, and those cute little blond kiddos was a natural ratings draw. But it was the saccharine sweet family values and the silly dad-jokes that really kept Full House on our minds on on our TVs.

This episode will melt even the most dedicated of Full House skeptics. “The Miracle Of Thanksgiving” is in the first season, and picks up with the Tanner clan on the first holiday without the girls’ mom. Over the course of the show, it was easy to forget that this situation was born out of the death of the girls’ mother, but in these early days, it was always pretty prevalent. That’s the magic of Full House, though. Jerking tears out of your eyes, while forcing you to laugh at corny jokes and cheesy group hugs.

If there’s ever a time to surrender to the “awwww” in life, it’s now.  Watching Uncle Jesse and Joey dance around with a turkey will make your heart grow three sizes. Just look at how little they are. It’s sweetness overload.