The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Via Giphy

When Scream Queens debuted last year, I rolled my eyes and held my breath, expecting another Ryan Murphy camp-fest. And much to my delight, that’s exactly what I got. Unlike Murphy’s other endeavors (Nip/Tuck, American Horror Story, Glee) Scream Queens knows exactly what it is, and leans way into it. The first season takes place Wallace University, who just so happens to be populated by the most awful young people on the planet. The worst of the worst, Kappa Kappa Tau, becomes plagued by a serial killer, who uses the university’s Red Devil mascot as a disguise. 

If you have a thick skin and don’t mind humor that is exclusively at the expense of others, and borders on outright abuse, this show is for you. It doesn’t pull any punches and things can get down right brutal.

If you need an anti-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, look no further than the season one episode of Scream Queens. Chanel heads to Chad’s family’s house while the girls at the Kappa house explode over who killed who.

If you crave designer jackets, lots of open-mouthed screams, and more eye-rolling than you know what to do with, then here you go.