10 Things We Are All Doing To Cope During This Election Result

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STAPLEFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM – NOVEMBER 06: A 1901 Pick takes part in the 120th London to Brighton Veteran Car Run on November 6, 2016 in Staplefield, England. Over 400 pre-1905 manufactured vehicles take part in the annual run from London to Brighton to commemorate the Emancipation Run of November 1896 which celebrated the raising of the speed limit from 4mph to 14 mph. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

8. Go For A Long Drive

Take a drive, listen to your favorite music or podcast, and just let yourself have that time alone. Driving is cathartic and taking a long drive and just thinking through everything can help you. If you just breathe and think about calming yourself down, you can do it.

You have to fix yourself before you can fix the country, so take a drive and listen to something soothing. Whatever it is that works for you. Maybe you won’t have a destination in mind or maybe you’ll drive somewhere that makes you happy. Whatever it is, go out and drive.

Look at the changing leaves, think about the world around us and try not to think about the mistakes that happened yesterday. Rid yourself of it all for however long you’re gone so then you can come back and be better for it. Clear your mind and get ready to start fresh.

Everyone is bogged down from this election and the anxiety it caused and we all need to shake it off before we can even begin to fix everything.

If we just continue to scream the same things, no one will listen. We need to change tactics and start fresh. So take that long drive and clear your mind.